Treat Your Teeth This Holiday with Invisalign

As the giving season is in full swing, we’re all looking for ways to treat our loved ones. But that doesn’t mean we can’t treat ourselves as well. Invisalign in Amherst, NY, is a great gift you can give yourself for the smile of your dreams. A straighter, healthier smile that you feel proud showing off is good for both your oral health and your self-confidence. Although not effective for everyone, your dentist can help determine if Invisalign treatment is right for you this holiday season.

INVISALIGN in AMHERST NY can help get your teeth smile ready for the holidays

What is Invisalign in Amherst, NY?

Invisalign is a discreet option for patients who want to straighten their teeth and improve their smile. Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign corrects your teeth using clear aligner trays that blend into your teeth, making it difficult to tell if you’re wearing anything at all. Patients receive a series of aligners at the start of treatment and swap them out about every two weeks. This process is akin to having traditional braces tightened to adjust the pressure and alterations. Patients who wear their aligners regularly can begin seeing progress in as little as a few weeks.

Benefits of Invisalign

There are more and more orthodontic options available to patients these days, and everyone has a different need for their treatment plan. Invisalign has many benefits for patients, such as:

  • The ability to remove aligners to eat the foods you love
  • The ability to remove aligners for easy and efficient brushing and flossing
  • Clear aligner design for a discreet orthodontic approach
  • Fewer visits to the dentist during treatment

Who Can Get Invisalign Treatment?

Invisalign is a popular option for many reasons, but it’s not always the best treatment for everyone. Patients need to have good oral health to ensure the treatment won’t agitate or further develop any decay or damage. Patients must also be responsible enough to wear their aligners as needed. Because the aligners are removable, it can be tempting to take them out if they hurt or feel uncomfortable. But the longer you don’t wear your aligners, the less effective they’ll be. Patients who can’t commit to wearing their aligners outside of eating and brushing their teeth might benefit from traditional braces instead.

How Long Invisalign Treatment Takes

While you can begin to see a shift in your smile after a month or so, full Invisalign treatment typically takes between 12 and 18 months. Some patients may need more or less time, depending on the complexity of their case. So, if you were to start Invisalign treatment this holiday, your smile could be improved for photos and events next holiday.

At Creekside Dentistry, we’re committed to helping all of our patients achieve their cosmetic smile goals. Call us today at (716) 262-8070 to schedule an initial consultation and learn more about our Invisalign treatment options.